Compiler throwing Serialization method not found. What's the reason?

Please make sure you import the required namespace as below.

using VoxelBusters.Serialization;

How to serialize any data type?

Use the generic method shipped with the plugin.

SerializationManager.Serialize<T>(string key, T value);


SerializationManager.Serialize<int>("intKey", 123);
SerializationManager.Serialize<string>("stringKey", "my string");
SerializationManager.Serialize<GameObject>("gameobjectKey", gameObjectInstance);

What are data providers shipped with the plugin?

Data providers are the concrete classes which are created to maximise the performance during serialization process. These classes are required if you want the serialization process to avoid reflection.

What happens if I don't create Data Provider for my own custom class?

By default, if we don't find a data provider, we directly use reflection to fetch the public properties and serialize it.

However, if you want to squeeze out maximise performance, create the data provider with our inbuilt tool which does create the code automagically!

Last updated