Load Data (Deserialize)

Learn how to load data

For using this plugin methods you need to import the required namespace. Please include the below statement at namespace include list.

using VoxelBusters.Serialization;

We provide a generic method to load(De-Serialize) any kind of data. For deserializing data you need to specify a key with which data was serialized earlier.


Load Int

int myIntValue = SerializationManager.Deserialize<int>("myInt");

Load Float

float myFloatValue = SerializationManager.Deserialize<float>("myFloat");

Load String

string myStringValue = SerializationManager.Deserialize<string>("myString");

Load GameObject

GameObject gameobject = SerializationManager.Deserialize<GameObject>("gameObject");

Load List

List<GameObject> gameobjects = SerializationManager.Deserialize<List<GameObject>>("gameObjects");

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